3D Guided Surgery Course
Dr. Spencer S. Park
MYTHS and FACTS on Guided Implant Surgery
Implement Implant Surgery into your practice!
March 27, 2020 11:00AM (PST)
CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry can significantly improve the predictability of treatment outcomes. However inadequate understanding and usage of the CAD/CAM guided implant surgery
system will result in catastrophic surgical and prosthetic complications due to the nature of the guided surgery system being a ‘Blind Surgery’. This presentation will review the limitation of currently available CAD/CAM systems and corresponding possible clinical complications, solutions, and prevention. The
most updated surgical protocol of the NeoNavi Guide surgery and its related clinical data will be
presented step by step surgical procedure demonstration and hands-on experience.
Basic Course
Dr. Spencer S. Park
Basic Implant Training Course
March 27, 2020 11:00AM (PST)
This basic implant course will teach doctors to surgically place and restore dental implants in their dental practice. Upon completion of this course, each doctor should be able to identify ideal implant candidates
as well as diagnose & create treatment plans for ideal implant case types. An emphasis will be given to hands-on training including the use of typodent models. Each participant will have the opportunity to perform a live implant surgery under the supervision of the course instructors.
1.Fundamental Course
Introduction and review focusing on fundamental concepts of Implant prosthodontics and various
techniques for single implant crown treatment will be discussed.
2. Intermediate Course
Clinic oriented course for experienced dentists focusing on single immediate loading, multi-unit implant prosthesis, A-Z of Implant retained over-denture, and the clinical application of intra-oral scanner will be discussed.
3. Advanced Course
Clinic oriented course focusing on full-arch restoration, immediate loading and the Implant Prosthetic Complication will be discussed.
Part 1: The Future of Implant Dentistry is here!
Monday, April 20, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
Dr. Jeffery C. Platt
Jeffery C. Platt, DDS is a compassionate Colorado Springs dentist who provides general,
implant, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry. Dr. Platt is a graduate of the University of Missouri
at Kansas City School of Dentistry. He has additional education in orthodontics, restorative implants, and implant surgery, endodontics, biomimetic and holistic dentistry, Ozone, dental materials, and their usages to name only a few of his extra educational achievements.
Dr. Platt attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Dr. Platt lectures regularly
teaching dentists how to use implants and how to perform the surgical and restorative part
of implant dentistry. Dr. Platt is a member of AACD, ICOI, IADI, ABD, ADSM, ADA, CDA.
How many times have you heard patients ask if they could have their implant crown 3 weeks after
their surgery? How many times have you told your patient they need to wait 3-6 months before
they can have their crown? What if our patients have been right all along! It is possible to have
their crown routinely in 3-4 weeks following surgery! This is the future of implant dentistry and
we have data, we have the procedure, we have been doing this for years with success!
Dr. Jose E. Lara
A graduate from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico class of 1987, Dr. Lara has an extensive
32 years of experience in dentistry. He moved to the USA in 1989 and after working a short time
in different dental offices around Riverside, LA and Orange County he opened his own practice
- Implant and Cosmetic Dental office in Placentia, CA in 2001. Dr. Lara was certified from the Comprehensive Oral Implant Training Program in 2008. Since 2012 he has lectured extensively
in Oral Implantology. He is currently preparing to be an Oral Implantology speaker and course
director at the international level. Dr. Lara is diligent in his pursuit to stay current by providing
the most innovative dental Implants treatments.
* Please Note: CE Credits are not available for viewing recordings of previously-hosted live webinars.
Key Factors for Proper Implant Position
Immediate Placement on Esthetic Zone
You will implement some rules and tips in Implantology.
Discuss how patient's anatomical limitations impact implant restorations.
Understand the role of abutments in supporting esthetics.
Monday, April 27, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
Why Do Socket Preservation?
DATE & TIME : Thursday, April 30, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : DR. Mike Chen
- Understanding the reason of socket preservation.
- Knowing the different graft material available.
- Understanding the basic step to preserve the socket.
Dr. Chen has 25 years of private practice experience and also as an instructor to dentists for
advanced techniques. He is currently conducting courses from introductory to advanced dental implant techniques. Dr. Chen uses top of the line implant components from all over the world.
Dr. Chen’s main focus is on patient oral health. Dr. Chen has performed over 9,000 dental implant surgeries, from simple to full reconstruction of the patient’s oral health. The latest technology
in treatment and materials are used in Dr. Chen’s practice.
How do You like Your Implant Stability?
Monday, May 4, 2020 2:00AM~3:00PM PDT
Dr. Spencer S. Park
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
It is very well known that Implant stability is one of the determining factors to achieve successful clinical outcome. However, we are still facing frequently the uncomfortable moment of measuring
and evaluating our implant stability without any scientific evidence in our daily practice.
Furthermore, there has been no consensus on the reliability and cross-usability of different stability measuring values such as Ncm(torque), ISQ(RFA), and IST(Anycheck). This webinar will go over all currently commercially available Implant stability measuring instruments and propose the most
recent practical clinical guideline for the evaluation of osteointegration and loading time determination.
Why Guided Implant Surgery System is Not Working?
Thursday, May 7, 2020 2:00AM~3:00PM PDT
Dr. Spencer S. Park
CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery System become popular at large due to its accuracy and safety. However, the dark side of guided implant surgery is hardly known due to the huge marketing force
of every implant and guiding system companies. In this webinar, Dr. Park will share his 11 years' experience of developing and testing various CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery Systems and go over his clinical failures with causes, solutions, and prevention. The clinical guidelines will be addressed to prevent turning your 'safe guided implant surgery' into 'catastrophic blind implant surgery'.
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
Implant Complication and Failure
Monday, May 11, 2020 2:00AM~3:00PM PDT
Dr. Jose E. Lara
A graduate from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico class of 1987, Dr. Lara has an extensive
32 years of experience in dentistry. He moved to the USA in 1989 and after working a short time
in different dental offices around Riverside, LA and Orange County he opened his own practice
- Implant and Cosmetic Dental office in Placentia, CA in 2001. Dr. Lara was certified from the Comprehensive Oral Implant Training Program in 2008. Since 2012 he has lectured extensively
in Oral Implantology. He is currently preparing to be an Oral Implantology speaker and course
director at the international level. Dr. Lara is diligent in his pursuit to stay current by providing
the most innovative dental Implants treatments.
How many times have you heard patients ask if they could have their implant crown 3 weeks after
their surgery? How many times have you told your patient they need to wait 3-6 months before
they can have their crown? What if our patients have been right all along! It is possible to have
their crown routinely in 3-4 weeks following surgery! This is the future of implant dentistry and
we have data, we have the procedure, we have been doing this for years with success!
Advanced Bone Grafting made Easy
Thursday, May 14, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
How many times have you heard patients ask if they could have their implant crown 3 weeks after
their surgery? How many times have you told your patient they need to wait 3-6 months before
they can have their crown? What if our patients have been right all along! It is possible to have
their crown routinely in 3-4 weeks following surgery! This is the future of implant dentistry and
we have data, we have the procedure, we have been doing this for years with success!
Dr. Jeffery C. Platt
Jeffery C. Platt, DDS is a compassionate Colorado Springs dentist who provides general,
implant, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry. Dr. Platt is a graduate of the University of Missouri
at Kansas City School of Dentistry. He has additional education in orthodontics, restorative implants, and implant surgery, endodontics, biomimetic and holistic dentistry, Ozone, dental materials, and their usages to name only a few of his extra educational achievements.
Dr. Platt attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Dr. Platt lectures regularly
teaching dentists how to use implants and how to perform the surgical and restorative part
of implant dentistry. Dr. Platt is a member of AACD, ICOI, IADI, ABD, ADSM, ADA, CDA.
Dr. Mike Chen
Dr. Chen has 25 years of private practice experience and also as an instructor to dentists for
advanced techniques. He is currently conducting courses from introductory to advanced dental implant techniques. Dr. Chen uses top of the line implant components from all over the world.
Dr. Chen’s main focus is on patient oral health. Dr. Chen has performed over 9,000 dental implant surgeries, from simple to full reconstruction of the patient’s oral health. The latest technology
in treatment and materials are used in Dr. Chen’s practice.
- Understanding the value of Ridge Splitting technique.
- Why this is a predictable procedure and safe.
- Going over Neobiotech ridge splitting kit.
Fundamental of Ridge Splitting
Monday, May 18, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
Dr. Mike Chen
Dr. Chen has 25 years of private practice experience and also as an instructor to dentists for
advanced techniques. He is currently conducting courses from introductory to advanced dental implant techniques. Dr. Chen uses top of the line implant components from all over the world.
Dr. Chen’s main focus is on patient oral health. Dr. Chen has performed over 9,000 dental implant surgeries, from simple to full reconstruction of the patient’s oral health. The latest technology
in treatment and materials are used in Dr. Chen’s practice.
- Understanding the value of doing GBR
- Going over material: CTi-Mem, ACM & GBR Kit
- Steps in achieving predictable success
Fundamental of Ridge Augmentation with GBR
Thursday, May 28, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
Hard and Soft Tissue Considerations in Implant Dentistry
Monday, May 4, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Jason Kim
Predictable implant success depends on having both a hard and soft tissue foundation. Without
bone, we can never achieve predictable implant success. If the bone is not there, it needs to be regenerated. We will discuss various treatment modalities on how to achieve a solid bony
foundation for implant placement. Soft tissue is the other key factor that needs particular attention.
With a solid bony foundation, there needs to be a healthy soft tissue environment for long term
predictability. Soft tissue augmentation procedures will be discussed as well as the incorporation
of biologics to enhance both hard and soft tissue augmentation and regeneration.
- Clinical Assistant Professor, NYU College of Dentistry, Surgical Director – CDE Implantology
Program, Dept. of Cariology and Comprehensive Care
- Diplomate, American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry
- Diplomate, International Congress of Oral Implantology
- Member, Academy of Osseointegration
- Past President, Northeast District, American Academy of Implant Dentistry
- Board of Trustees, American Academy of Implant Dentistry
- Faculty NYU-Zimmer Institute
- Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Dept of PG Peridontics
- Co-Founder, Co-Director, Long Island Implant Center
- Private Practices in Flushing, New York
- Lectures Nationally and Internationally
Simplifying Grafting Procedures through the Use of the B.A.B.E (Biologically Activated Bone Enhancement) Graft Complex
Monday, May 4, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Jason Kim
The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the clinical benefits of using concentrated growth factors (CGF) to enhance healing and maturation. CGF is another modified form of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) that has proven to enhance both hard and soft tissue healing and maturation. This presentation will examine how bone grafting procedures benefit from the incorporation of CGF. The various bone grafting procedures include socket preservation, ridge augmentation, as well as sinus augmentation procedures. We will introduce the use of the “BABE Graft” and evaluate the ease of clinical use and effectiveness.
- Clinical Assistant Professor, NYU College of Dentistry, Surgical Director – CDE Implantology
Program, Dept. of Cariology and Comprehensive Care
- Diplomate, American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry
- Diplomate, International Congress of Oral Implantology
- Member, Academy of Osseointegration
- Past President, Northeast District, American Academy of Implant Dentistry
- Board of Trustees, American Academy of Implant Dentistry
- Faculty NYU-Zimmer Institute
- Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Dept of PG Peridontics
- Co-Founder, Co-Director, Long Island Implant Center
- Private Practices in Flushing, New York
- Lectures Nationally and Internationally
Thursday, May 7, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Dennis Smiler
In this first lecture by Dr. Smiler, he presents the “non-negotiable” concepts for successful implants.
The topics include:
- Cacellous versus Cortical Bone
- Pick the tissue and bone biotype for success
- Biomechanical considerations of treatment planning
- Implant design – surface – loading
Regardless of your skill level, this webinar will expand your comfort zone, enabling you to
incorporate new and valuable implant techniques into your practice
Dr. Dennis Smiler is an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. He is an internationally recognized expert in implant dentistry and bone grafting and has presented hundreds of lectures worldwide. He is among the finest and most popular teachers of implant dentistry in the world. He has trained and mentored numerous general practitioners and specialists in the art and science of implant placement techniques, zygoma and pterygoid implants, and bone graft surgery. As one of the first to establish an international implant seminar and the implant team concept, Dr. Smiler has been teaching implant dentistry and bone grafting for over 25 years.
Welcome to the World of Successful Implant Dentistry
How do You like Your Implant Stability?
Thursday, May 7, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Spencer S. Park
It is very well known that Implant stability is one of the determining factors to achieve successful clinical outcomes. However, we are still facing frequently the uncomfortable moment of measuring and evaluating our implant stability without any scientific evidence in our daily practice.
Furthermore, there has been no consensus on the reliability and cross-usability of different stability measuring values such as Ncm(torque), ISQ(RFA), and IST(Anycheck). This webinar will go over all currently commercially available Implant stability measuring instruments and propose the most recent practical clinical guideline for the evaluation of osteointegration and loading time determination.
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
Sinus Lift (Crestal/Lateral Approach), YOU CAN DO IT
Monday, May 11, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Kent Hwang
Learn when to choose between Crestal and Lateral Approach to Sinus Lift. What armamentarium
are needed to perform Crestal/Lateral Approach. Step by step sequence to Crestal/Lateral Sinus
Lift. Bone Graft selection and preparation.
Dr. Hwang completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where he received his B.S. in Biology. He then continued and completed his Doctor
of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree at UCLA School of Dentistry. He is the past Director for Apsun Dental Implant Research & Education Center (AIC) in the United States. Dr. Hwang is also the Founder and Director of Angel Dental Institute (ADI) in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Hwang continues to lecture extensively in the United States and Internationally on new and innovative concepts and techniques of implant dentistry. His popular lectures emphasis is on simple modern techniques to deal with traditionally complicated procedures.
Implant Complication and Failure
Monday, May 11, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Jose E. Lara
- Classification of accidents and complications that lead to failure
- Consider the timing of events making a distinction between accidents and complications"
A graduate from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico class of 1987, Dr. Lara has an extensive
32 years of experience in dentistry. He moved to the USA in 1989 and after working a short time
in different dental offices around Riverside, LA and Orange County he opened his own practice
- Implant and Cosmetic Dental office in Placentia, CA in 2001. Dr. Lara was certified from the Comprehensive Oral Implant Training Program in 2008. Since 2012 he has lectured extensively
in Oral Implantology. He is currently preparing to be an Oral Implantology speaker and course
director at the international level. Dr. Lara is diligent in his pursuit to stay current by providing
the most innovative dental Implants treatments.
Anterior Implant: Delayed vs. Immediate Placement,
Soft Tissue Molding with Provisional
Thursday, May 14, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Owen Trinh
- Fundamentals in planning anterior implants, indications, and contraindications of immediate anterior implant placement.
- Demonstrate the importance of prosthetic-driven implant surgery planning and execution
via free-hand placement and surgical guides with surgical videos.
- Soft tissue molding with provisional for preserving tissue and developing emergence profile.
Dr. Owen Trinh currently calls Las Vegas home. He received his dental education from Oregon
Health and Science University, where he was awarded with the School of Dentistry Alumni
Association Scholarship for Excellence. Dr. Trinh completed a surgically-oriented prosthodontics
specialty training at the University of Minnesota after receiving his dental degree. He subsequently became board certified through the American Board of Prosthodontics. Besides having the
capability to provide aesthetics and complex rehabilitations, his scope of practice also includes
implant and periodontal surgery.
Advanced Bone Grafting made Easy
Thursday, May 14, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
There are many ways to grow bone, we will review those available to the surgeon. We will focus on Tunnel Grafting for Ridge expansion, an easier procedure for the patient to endure with more predictability.
Jeffery C. Platt, DDS is a compassionate Colorado Springs dentist who provides general,
implant, cosmetic, and sedation dentistry. Dr. Platt is a graduate of the University of Missouri
at Kansas City School of Dentistry. He has additional education in orthodontics, restorative implants, and implant surgery, endodontics, biomimetic and holistic dentistry, Ozone, dental materials, and their usages to name only a few of his extra educational achievements.
Dr. Platt attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Dr. Platt lectures regularly
teaching dentists how to use implants and how to perform the surgical and restorative part
of implant dentistry. Dr. Platt is a member of AACD, ICOI, IADI, ABD, ADSM, ADA, CDA.
SPEAKER : Dr. Jeffery C. Platt
Fundamental of Ridge Splitting
Monday, May 18, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Mike Chen
- Understanding the value of Ridge Splitting technique.
- Why this is a predictable procedure and safe.
- Going over Neobiotech ridge splitting kit.
Dr. Chen has 25 years of private practice experience and also as an instructor to dentists for
advanced techniques. He is currently conducting courses from introductory to advanced dental implant techniques. Dr. Chen uses top of the line implant components from all over the world.
Dr. Chen’s main focus is on patient oral health. Dr. Chen has performed over 9,000 dental implant surgeries, from simple to full reconstruction of the patient’s oral health. The latest technology
in treatment and materials are used in Dr. Chen’s practice.
Part I: How to start surgical placement of Dental Implants
Monday, May 18, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Kent Hwang
This course will cover first of all "Why" you should start placing dental implants. The important anatomical considerations before placement of dental implants. Understanding the Neobiotech
"Stop Drill" implant surgical kit. Step by step drilling sequence and placement of Neobiotech implants.
Dr. Hwang completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where he received his B.S. in Biology. He then continued and completed his Doctor
of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree at UCLA School of Dentistry. He is the past Director for Apsun Dental Implant Research & Education Center (AIC) in the United States. Dr. Hwang is also the Founder and Director of Angel Dental Institute (ADI) in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Hwang continues to lecture extensively in the United States and Internationally on new and innovative concepts and techniques of implant dentistry. His popular lectures emphasis is on simple modern techniques to deal with traditionally complicated procedures.
Part II: How to complete a Dental Implant Restoration
for beginners
Thursday, May 21, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Kent Hwang
This webinar will cover the importance of proper implant restorations. Understanding and choosing the proper implant components. It will also cover different impression techniques and how to take proper impressions for implant restoration. Finally, delivery of implant restorations and adjustments for longterm success.
Dr. Hwang completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where he received his B.S. in Biology. He then continued and completed his Doctor
of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree at UCLA School of Dentistry. He is the past Director for Apsun Dental Implant Research & Education Center (AIC) in the United States. Dr. Hwang is also the Founder and Director of Angel Dental Institute (ADI) in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Hwang continues to lecture extensively in the United States and Internationally on new and innovative concepts and techniques of implant dentistry. His popular lectures emphasis is on simple modern techniques to deal with traditionally complicated procedures.
All-on-X: Treatment Planning, Surgical and Restorative Sequencing
Thursday, May 21, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Owen Trinh
- Fundamentals in planning and treating an existing edentulous arch or transitioning
hopeless dentition to receive full-arch implant-supported prostheses.
- Pilot drill versus fully guided for alveolar reduction and implant placement.
- Concepts of fixed versus removable provisional restoration.
- Material selection, post-treatment prosthetic, and hygiene maintenance.
Dr. Owen Trinh currently calls Las Vegas home. He received his dental education from Oregon
Health and Science University, where he was awarded with the School of Dentistry Alumni
Association Scholarship for Excellence. Dr. Trinh completed a surgically-oriented prosthodontics
specialty training at the University of Minnesota after receiving his dental degree. He subsequently became board certified through the American Board of Prosthodontics. Besides having the
capability to provide aesthetics and complex rehabilitations, his scope of practice also includes
implant and periodontal surgery.
Why Guided Implant Surgery System is Not Working?
Monday, May 25, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Spencer S. Park
CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery System become popular at large due to its accuracy and safety. However, the dark side of guided implant surgery is hardly known due to the huge marketing force of every implant and guiding system companies. In this webinar, Dr. Park will share his 11 years’ experience of developing and testing various CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery Systems and go over his clinical failures with causes, solutions and prevention. Clinical guideline will be addressed to prevent from turning your ‘safe guided implant surgery’ into ‘catastrophic blind implant surgery’.
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
Monday, May 25, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Dennis Smiler
These two presentations give detailed explanation of the procedures, and guides you through the steps for surgical planning and placement of zygoma and pterygoid implants.
Topics include:
- Difficulties in restoring the atrophic maxilla
- Surgical anatomy of zygoma and pterygoid implants
- Incision and mucoperiosteal flap reflection
- Points, Lines, Angles – placement of zygoma and pterygoid implants
- Zygoma Anatomy Guided Approach – ZAGA
- Zygoma and Pterygoid implant surgery on anatomic models and clinical cases
- Orbital complications
- Nasalis implants
Selected cases:
- Unilateral Zygoma and Endosseous Implants – Local Anesthesia
- Bilateral Zygoma Implants and Endosseous Implants – Local Anesthesia
- Bilateral Zygoma Implants and Endosseous Implants – General Anesthesia
- Quad Zygoma Implants – Local Anesthesia
- Zygoma, Pterygoid, Endosseous Implants: Failed Implants in Sinuses
Dr. Dennis Smiler is an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. He is an internationally recognized expert in implant dentistry and bone grafting and has presented hundreds of lectures worldwide. He is among the finest and most popular teachers of implant dentistry in the world. He has trained and mentored numerous general practitioners and specialists in the art and science of implant placement techniques, zygoma and pterygoid implants, and bone graft surgery. As one of the first to establish an international implant seminar and the implant team concept, Dr. Smiler has been teaching implant dentistry and bone grafting for over 25 years.
Session I: Planning and Surgery for Extra-Maxillary
Zygoma Implants
Thursday, May 28, 2020 11:00AM~12:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Dennis Smiler
These two presentations give detailed explanation of the procedures, and guides you through the steps for surgical planning and placement of zygoma and pterygoid implants.
Topics include:
- Difficulties in restoring the atrophic maxilla
- Surgical anatomy of zygoma and pterygoid implants
- Incision and mucoperiosteal flap reflection
- Points, Lines, Angles – placement of zygoma and pterygoid implants
- Zygoma Anatomy Guided Approach – ZAGA
- Zygoma and Pterygoid implant surgery on anatomic models and clinical cases
- Orbital complications
- Nasalis implants
Selected cases:
- Unilateral Zygoma and Endosseous Implants – Local Anesthesia
- Bilateral Zygoma Implants and Endosseous Implants – Local Anesthesia
- Bilateral Zygoma Implants and Endosseous Implants – General Anesthesia
- Quad Zygoma Implants – Local Anesthesia
- Zygoma, Pterygoid, Endosseous Implants: Failed Implants in Sinuses
Dr. Dennis Smiler is an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. He is an internationally recognized expert in implant dentistry and bone grafting and has presented hundreds of lectures worldwide. He is among the finest and most popular teachers of implant dentistry in the world. He has trained and mentored numerous general practitioners and specialists in the art and science of implant placement techniques, zygoma and pterygoid implants, and bone graft surgery. As one of the first to establish an international implant seminar and the implant team concept, Dr. Smiler has been teaching implant dentistry and bone grafting for over 25 years.
Session II: Planning and Surgery of Extra-Maxillary
Technique - Pterygoid Implants
Fundamental of Ridge Augmentation with GBR
Thursday, May 28, 2020 2:00PM~3:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Mike Chen
- Understanding the value of doing GBR
- Going over material: CTi-Mem, ACM & GBR Kit
- Steps in achieving predictable success
Dr. Chen has 25 years of private practice experience and also as an instructor to dentists for
advanced techniques. He is currently conducting courses from introductory to advanced dental implant techniques. Dr. Chen uses top of the line implant components from all over the world.
Dr. Chen’s main focus is on patient oral health. Dr. Chen has performed over 9,000 dental implant surgeries, from simple to full reconstruction of the patient’s oral health. The latest technology
in treatment and materials are used in Dr. Chen’s practice.
Implant Overdenture: Treatment Planning, Surgical and Restorative Guidelines
Sunday, June 14, 2020 10:00AM~11:00AM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Owen Trinh
- Indications and contraindications, and restorative and surgical planning.
- Video demonstrative differences for splinted versus non-splinted implant overdenture.
- Considerations for maxillary implant-retained overdenture.
Dr. Owen Trinh currently calls Las Vegas home. He received his dental education from Oregon
Health and Science University, where he was awarded with the School of Dentistry Alumni
Association Scholarship for Excellence. Dr. Trinh completed a surgically-oriented prosthodontics
specialty training at the University of Minnesota after receiving his dental degree. He subsequently became board certified through the American Board of Prosthodontics. Besides having the
capability to provide aesthetics and complex rehabilitations, his scope of practice also includes
implant and periodontal surgery.
Monday, June 15, 2020 10:00AM~11:00AM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Spencer S. Park
CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery System become popular at large due to its accuracy and safety. However, the dark side of guided implant surgery is hardly known due to the huge marketing force of every implant and guiding system companies. In this webinar, Dr. Park will share his 11 years’ experience of developing and testing various CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery Systems and go over his clinical failures with causes, solutions and prevention. Clinical guideline will be addressed to prevent from turning your ‘safe guided implant surgery’ into ‘catastrophic blind implant surgery’.
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
MYTHS and FACTS on Guided Implant Surgery
Implement Implant Surgery into your practice!
Sunday, June 21, 2020 10:00AM~11:00AM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Spencer S. Park
CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry can significantly improve the predictability of
treatment outcomes. However inadequate understanding and usage of the CAD/CAM guided
implant surgery system will result in catastrophic surgical and prosthetic complications due to the nature of the guided surgery system being a ‘Blind Surgery’. This presentation will review the limitation of currently available CAD/CAM systems and corresponding possible clinical
complications, solutions, and prevention. The most updated surgical protocol of the NeoNavi
Guide surgery and its related clinical data will be presented step by step surgical procedure demonstration and hands-on experience.
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
Implant Surgical and Prosthetic Complication - FR/SR
Sunday, June 28, 2020 10:00AM~11:00AM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Kent Hwang
This webinar will cover typical implant surgical and prosthetic complication that are seen in our offices. What are the etiologies of these complications? How are they treated? We will discuss innovative tools that will simplify what was once a complicated situations.
Dr. Hwang completed his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where he received his B.S. in Biology. He then continued and completed his Doctor
of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree at UCLA School of Dentistry. He is the past Director for Apsun Dental Implant Research & Education Center (AIC) in the United States. Dr. Hwang is also the Founder and Director of Angel Dental Institute (ADI) in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Hwang continues to lecture extensively in the United States and Internationally on new and innovative concepts and techniques of implant dentistry. His popular lectures emphasis is on simple modern techniques to deal with traditionally complicated procedures.
Monday, June 29, 2020 12:00PM~1:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : Dr. Spencer S. Park
CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery System become popular at large due to its accuracy and safety. However, the dark side of guided implant surgery is hardly known due to the huge marketing force of every implant and guiding system companies. In this webinar, Dr. Park will share his 11 years’ experience of developing and testing various CAD/CAM Guided Implant Surgery Systems and go over his clinical failures with causes, solutions and prevention. Clinical guideline will be addressed to prevent from turning your ‘safe guided implant surgery’ into ‘catastrophic blind implant surgery’.
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
Saturday, June 27, 2020 1:00PM~4:00PM PDT
SPEAKER : RayAmerica
- How CBCTmachines are working and what to read in CBCT catalog?
A. Whatis CBCT?
B. Terminology of radiology
- CBCT in Digital Dental Workflow
A. Workflow overview from CBCT to Facial Scan
B. STL, DICOM, OBJ files:
a. What are those?
b. How to get them?
c. How to use them?
- Clinical Practicality: How to choose and how to use CBCT in your practice?
A. The Clinical limitation of CBCT
B. Blue Light Guidance
- Things that have been ignored #1:
A. Your CBCT image is really accurate?
B. Importance of Maintenance C. RayGuard
- Things that have been ignored #2:
A. Digital Error within Digital information
B. Difficulties in Merging of multiple digital information
- Things that have been ignored #3:
A. Your CBCT is getting old?
B. ‘Expired’ Sensor of CBCT Machine
C. Ray America 10-year Sensor Warranty
- More than Just a CBCT machine!
A. CBCT impression San
B. Facial Scan
C. Smile Design:
D. Ray Scan Studio, Ray MicroCT Studio
E. Ray My Lab
CBCT : Just a Few Things Must be Known, but Ignored
Complementary Webinar Co-hosted by RayAmerica & NeoBiotechUSA
Dr. Ricardo Alves
Dr. Alessandro Fasano
Dr. Galaktion Makhviladze
Dr. Yevhen Niezhentsev
Dr. Yevhen Niezhentsev
Guided bone regeneration in the aesthetic zone
Dr. Ricardo Alves
A new dentistry After “COVID-19”
Post extractive implant Protocol is the solution?
Dr. Alessandro Fasano
Benets of Neobiotech System for Dental Implantologist
Dr. Galaktion Makhviladze
Guided Surgery
Dr. Yevhen Niezhentsev
Dr. Ralev Ventseslav
A small oro-anthral stula after a failure of an implant IS-II and an opened sinus lift
Implement Implant Surgery into your practice!
Saturday, June 6, 2020 2:00PM~5:00PM Pacific Daylight Time
Saturday, June 6, 2020 4:00PM~7:00PM Central Standard Time
Sunday, June 7, 2020 6:00AM~9:00PM Korea Standard Time
SPEAKER : Dr. Spencer S. Park
CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry can significantly improve the predictability of
treatment outcomes. However inadequate understanding and usage of the CAD/CAM guided
implant surgery system will result in catastrophic surgical and prosthetic complications due to the nature of the guided surgery system being a ‘Blind Surgery’. This presentation will review the limitation of currently available CAD/CAM systems and corresponding possible clinical
complications, solutions, and prevention. The most updated surgical protocol of the NeoNavi
Guide surgery and its related clinical data will be presented step by step surgical procedure demonstration.
- Maxillofacial & Advanced Prosthodontist
- Former Associate Professor, Advanced Prosthodontics, UCLA
- Former Prosthetic Director, ACT Implantology Program, UCLA
- Director, Global Academy of Osteointegration USA
- Clinical R&D Consultant, Ray America
- R&D Consultant, NeoBiotech Korea
- President, NeoBiotech USA
Implement Implant Surgery into your practice!
Friday, June 19, 2020 12:00PM~3:00PM Roma Time
Friday, June 19, 2020 2:00PM~5:00PM Dubai Time
Friday, June 19, 2020 7:00AM~10:00PM Korea Standard Time
Dr. Owen Trinh
Dr. Manuel Feregrino
Dr. Ray Ahn
Dr. Justin Chung
Mandibular Implant-Retained Overdenture for a Medically-Compromised Patient :
Treatment Planning, Surgical and Restorative Guidelines
Dr. Owen Trinh
Challenge Cases and Complications in GBR Neobiotech System
Dr. Manuel Feregrino
Fully Guided, Immediate, Single Implant Placement - A Novice’s Perspective
Dr. Ray Ahn
Difficulties to fabricate Final Restoration for Narrow Implant
Dr. Justin Chung
Dr. Aaron Kang
Dr. Spencer Park
Dr. Jose E. Lara
Dr. Kiwon Kenneth Shin
Immediate Implant Placement with Freehand Technique
Dr. Aaron Kang
Dr. Jose E. Lara
Dr. Kiwon Kenneth Shin
Dr. Spencer Park
Simple & Multiple Implant Placement Cases
Immediate Placement & Immediate Temporization of Maxillary Anterior Teeth utilizing
Guided Surgery
Introduction of VARO Guide System
Dr. Ricardo Alves
Dr. Alessandro Fasano
Dr. Galaktion Makhviladze
Dr. Yevhen Niezhentsev
Dr. Yevhen Niezhentsev
Guided bone regeneration in the aesthetic zone
Dr. Ricardo Alves
A new dentistry After “COVID-19”
Post extractive implant Protocol is the solution?
Dr. Alessandro Fasano
Benets of Neobiotech System for Dental Implantologist
Dr. Galaktion Makhviladze
Guided Surgery
Dr. Yevhen Niezhentsev
Dr. Ralev Ventseslav
A small oro-anthral stula after a failure of an implant IS-II and an opened sinus lift
Dr. Edgar Cabrera
Dr. Yong Soo Kim
Dr. Marco Redemagni
Dr. Michele Perelli
Dr. Christopher C.K. Ho
Prof. Dr. David Ngeow
Dr. Murad Hadi Shaqman
Immediate implant & SLA technique
Dr. Edgar Cabrera
Advanced strategies on immediate placement. Conventional, adjunctive soft tissue grafting or
socket shield techniques. Why and when?
Dr. Christopher C.K. Ho
Early implant placement of the periodontally compromised tooth #12
Dr. Yong Soo Kim
Putting Neobiotech Implant in tight spots
Prof. Dr. David Ngeow
Anytime immediate loading
Dr. Marco Redemagni
Predictable ridge augmentation & preservation : decision making and techniques
Dr. Murad Hadi Shaqman
Mandibular Premolar replacement with reduced lenght implant and immediate loading :
8 years of follow-up
Dr. Michele Perelli